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Introduction to Microcontrollers
ARM Cortex M4 Core Registers
- The core registers are not memory mapped and are accessed by register name
- Low registers
- Registers r0-r7 are accessible by all instructions that specify a general purpose register
- High Registers
- Registers r8-r12 are accessible by all 32-bit instructions that specify a general purpose register
- Registers r8-r12 are not accessible by all 16-bit instructions
- Stack Pointer
- Register r13 is used as the stack ponter(SP)
The processor implements two stacks with a pointer for each held in independent
register "Main SP" and "Process SP"
- Link Register
Register r14 is the subroutine LinkRegister(LR). The LR recieves the return address from PC
when a Branch and Link
The LR is also used for exception return
At all other times, you can treat r14 as a general-purpose register
- PRIMASK Register
- prevents activation of all exceptions with programmable priority
- Register prevents activation of all exceptions except for the Non-Maskable Interrupt(NMI)
- This register is only accessible in privileged mode.
- The MSR and MRS instructions are used to access the PRIMASK register, and
- The CPS instruction may be used to change the value of the PRIMASK register
- The Control Register Controls
- The stack used
- the privilege level for software execution when the processor is in Thread mode
- indicates whether the FPU state is active.
- This register is only accessible in privileged mode
How to switch from\to privileged mode?
In thread mode, the control register controls whether the software execution is privileged
or unprivileged
In Handler mode, software execution is always privileged
Only privileged software can write to the control register
Arm Core Registers
Cortex-M bus Interfaces