Experimenting and Learning Digital Systems
Feel free to contact me if you don't understand anything
This project is maintained by HishamElreedy
اللهم لا علم لنا الأ ما علمتنا به انك انت علام الغيوب
VLSI: Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits we will start with transistor level design assuming that you have finished functional and behavioural simulation for your design
hair thickness is of 100um and first channel length was 50um using bjt transistors now reached 7nm and wafer size increased from 1.5 inch to 12-inch First Processor Intel manufactured was intel 4004 at 1970 on vertical axis no. of transistors per ic
Design levels are represented by a pyramid on the top of it is design specifications which is represented by instruction set Architecture incase we are designing a microprocessor and at the bottom of it is the layout of the design